
Is Internet Access A Basic Human Right?

Nowadays, it is important to realize that human rights have changed in accordance with modern needs, and Internet access falls into the category of modern needs. Though, the question still remains, is it really a human right, and is it possible to have everyone gain access to it. On one hand, it is a fountain of inexhaustible knowledge, but, on other hand, it goes hand-in-hand with many dangers and difficulties.

Communication Is Elevated to a New Level

It is possible to get in touch with long-distance friends and family, or to hold a business meeting, even if the time zones are different. Moreover, communication has been raised to a whole new level, allowing for people to connect like never before. With the use of Internet, staying in touch and keeping up with important events can be done seamlessly.

How Fast Is Fast Enough?

While it is good to have Internet access, it is also important to have satisfying speed to go with as well. If you notice that your downloads are slow, and that you can barely open webpages, you might need to upgrade. With the free Internet speed test at your disposal, make sure to check just how fast it really is, and ensure that you are able to get more out of it.

The Internet Can Help Save Lives

There is a lot more the Internet of Things needs to see through in order to make some people’s lives easier, but, it is already apparent that with the help of it, many lives can be saved. However, this will mean that the home is equipped with fast access and that there are people who understand how to use it, so that those in need can benefit fully.

Social Media for Faster Information

Just the same way as any human has the right to free information, it is the same over the Internet as well. Furthermore, social media platforms have allowed for faster spreading and for connecting with important information portals. On the other hand, it is possible to connect with various businesses, being able to learn facts first hand, and get answers to the most important questions.

The Question of Anonymity

One of the biggest advantages of the Internet is that unless you share your info, you are anonymous, which can be a human right as well, guaranteeing a safe haven from censorship. Then again, being able to voice your opinion, without revealing your identity is a choice that will be able to help your cause develop, and ensure full support. On the other hand, the limitations of online anonymity can be problematic if you are trying to make your way to the top in the business world. Make sure that you share just enough information about yourself, to make yourself known.

Knowledge at Your Fingertip

Knowledge is an essential right for all humans, and with access to good Internet, it will be manageable to look through the collective history assesses so far. Moreover, you will be able to learn at your own pace and ensure that you have an answer to every question you might have. All it will take is a bit of knowhow for sifting through the sea of data freely available online. Nevertheless, be aware that in some parts of the world, even with great access to Internet, it will be difficult to use its full potential, due to censorship and lack of human rights.

Internet access has the full potential to be recognized as a basic human right, which means that it will become even more available to all. With free WiFi access points being installed all over the world, it is more than apparent that people are giving might to the idea. Then again, in order to allow people to use their newfound rights, they should be educated on how to go about it, and avoid dangers.