
Optimizing Your Ecommerce Store For Better Conversions

What is a conversion rate optimization? It can be defined as a systematic and structured approach to improving your website’s performance. It is defined by your website’s needs and objectives, and is informed by insights like feedback and analytics. Take the traffic you already have and make the most of it. Those who run an online store should always try to boost their sales, and there are several ways to do it by optimizing the eCommerce store.

The best conversion rate for you is better than the one you have at this moment. Conversions are affected by too many variables and it is impossible to compare the conversion rates of different websites. However, rates around 1%-2% are quite common.

Quality product images and videos

Quality product images are there to sell a product online, because people want to see what they are getting for their money. Technically, you could have just images without product descriptions, but it would not work the other way. Upload high quality photos of your product, show it from different angles, and make the photos zoomable. The more photos the better.

Online video is considered the future of content marketing. It is also the present. Videos offer a different experience, because photos have their limitations. So, if you do not have videos of your products yet, create some at least for a part of your eCommerce store inventory, and see whether it makes a difference.

Quality product copy

The best sales product copy contains complete information. It is there to provide enough information to buyers who could then convince themselves that this is the perfect product for them. Clarity trumps persuasion. Offer both short and long versions (short should be concise and capture the essence of a product, while longer versions should provide the answers to all the possible questions. In case you don not make the things you sell, do not just repeat the manufacturer’s descriptions.

The “sales and specials” section

Studies show that about 81% of shoppers conduct an online research before opting for a purchase in order to find the best buy. About 47% of shoppers only buy discounted products, while 62% always look for the “sales and specials” section. This might make you create that kind of section on your website, if have not already. It is worth experimenting with it, and is good for conversions.

Free shipping means conversion increase

About a half of online retailers today offer free shipping. Some have certain conditions, while some offer always free, but the point is that it is a critical criteria for making a purchase. The main reason why people prefer brick and mortar stores are high shipping costs, while free shipping encourages to purchasing more products.

Multiple payments options

Due to possible credit card information theft, many people are vary of using their credit cards for online purchases. Also, People have their preferred payment methods, and if they are not offered on your website, the chances that they will cancel their purchase is 50-50. Always offer alternative payment methods and you will win over more customers.

Show contact info

This is especially important for lesser known and small stores. By clearly displaying your phone number and email, you show that you are a real business, which instills trust in your visitors. It is a small thing, but it increases conversions.

Have a persistent shopping cart

A persistent shopping cart is the one that does not expire after some time, and allows the user to retrieve it later. People do comparison shopping and it takes some time. If they come back and see that the shopping cart contents have expired, they might find it too much hassle to start filling it all over again. You can also add an option for saving shopping cart content.

Never force registration

Forcing registration is a conversion killer. Users should register if they want, but even those who opt for guest checkout will enter their name and email anyway, so create an account for them too. Generate a password and send it to them via email when they complete their order.

Offer people to customize stuff, add clear progress indicators, provide better product search, add reviews of your products, and do user testing. There are lots of things you could do to make your website more user-friendly and attractive for them a make a purchase. These things are usually small and seemingly unimportant, but if it makes the customer satisfied and tempted to buy, then take your time to implement all the changes and set up your ecommerce store for further growth

Never force registration

Forcing registration is a conversion killer. Users should register if they want, but even those who opt for guest checkout will enter their name and email anyway, so create an account for them too. Generate a password and send it to them via email when they complete their order.

Offer people to customize stuff, add clear progress indicators, provide better product search, add reviews of your products, and do user testing. There are lots of things you could do to make your website more user-friendly and attractive for them a make a purchase. These things are usually small and seemingly unimportant, but if it makes the customer satisfied and tempted to buy, then take your time to implement all the changes and set up your ecommerce store for further growth.