Banks and financial institutions generally make use of cash-in-transit services in order to secure themselves from external threats. A lot of cash is transported from one bank to another at specific times. You may have seen armoured cars transporting the cash with proper security protocols. Most of the cash is transported in unmarked vehicles, so they can’t be traced easily. The vehicles in which such large sums of money are transported are equipped with a range of different security features that you won’t find in ordinary cars.
For instance, each vehicle is outfitted with a safe as well as a fire extinguisher. These vehicles are completely bulletproof and are equipped with dedicated tracking devices that offer real-time monitoring. The vehicles are also fitted with CCTV cameras so that you can check the inside of the vehicle at any point in time. There are a lot of security risks involved in transporting cash from one place to another. For instance, many banking institutions that have to receive cash in transit in Adelaide often hire private security companies in order to make sure that all of the cash is transported with the utmost care. Here are just some of the many reasons why you should hire the services of a professional company if you want to transfer cash from one location to another:
Professionally Trained Staff
One of the biggest reasons why you should consider hiring a professional company for the job is because they have highly trained staff at their disposal. The drivers know which routes to take, and which routes are more risky. The company will decide a set route based on the estimated time and duration of travel, and will alert you with any updates along the way. In case something goes wrong, the staff is well equipped to respond to the situation without losing their cool. External threats can arise at any point in time, and with so much money at stake, it’s always best to protect yourself by just paying a bit more.
Top-of-the-Line Security Vehicles
When it comes to transporting large sums of money from one place to another, you require unparalleled service. It would be bad if a tyre burst and the car would be stranded on the road with such a large amount in the trunk. As mentioned, most professional companies generally have their own fleet of unmarked vehicles that they offer for each trip.
The company will arrive at a particular destination to pick up the cash and give you a receipt for delivery. Once the amount has been safely delivered, you will receive a confirmation receipt. The security vehicles are top of the line and are fitted with all of the latest equipment in order to protect the cash in case of a serious emergency. By paying just a bit more for protecting the cash in transit, you can avoid a major disaster.