
Broke Because Of Branding? You Don’t Have To With These Smart Strategies

As an entrepreneur, you already know how important it is to build your brand. In fact, you’ve always put branding on top of your business priorities and have tried several techniques that other businesses have used so you could get the same exposure and following that they’re enjoying. Unfortunately, you haven’t seen the results that you want yet and worse, you’re already losing a good amount of money because of this.

You don’t have to go broke because of branding though because there are a lot of ways to build your brand without sacrificing your finances. Here are some of them:

Don’t Rush To Get Your Product Out There

Rushing doesn’t always do you any good and this is perfectly true in business. Sure, you’re probably so excited to get your product in the shelves and stands but if they’ll be sitting there for a long time, then you won’t be enjoying the benefits still. Do extensive research first and focus on branding and not selling. Get to know your target market, gather important information and collaborate with your team in creating your strategies. This way, you won’t waste your money on techniques that will not give you any good returns.

Bank On Your Customer Service First

Good customer service is a no-brainer if you want to promote your brand. After all, your customers are your strongest marketing tools. Unfortunately, you could be one of those businesses who pay little attention to good customer service, and it is hurting your brand big time. The thing is, you don’t need a lot of money to offer good customer service. You only need the right strategies. For one, you have to be available to your customers and you can do this with the right communication tools.

The good news is, there are a lot of providers in the market that could offer you good telecommunication packages without the high price. If you do a Spintel review, for instance, you’ll see that the company offers a wide range of options for both private and corporate clients. You can opt to get 4G mobile services for your team on the field, have a VoIP connection for your office or even take advantage of the business phone bundles that the service provider offers. This way, you know that your customers can reach you any time whether through the internet or phone. It would also be easier for you to take advantage of other branding platforms—mobile, email, social media, etc.—that will hardly cost you any money.

Finally, you can’t miss one of the hottest branding strategies in the market today that is actually very budget-friendly – co-branding. Spotify, for instance, collaborated with coffee giant Starbucks to offer “stars” to its new subscribers. These reward points can be redeemed for beverages and food in Starbucks. Customers can even suggest songs to play in Starbucks stores, which gives it that more meaningful coffee experience. If you try to look at the framework of this co-branding strategy, you’ll see that it’s pure genius because both companies will benefit from the collaboration. Spotify gets more subscribers because of the strong following from Starbucks and the coffee company will attract more Spotify patrons. It’s a win-win situation, really and you can do the same in your business.