
5 Tips For Creating Successful Online Communities

Internet completely changed the game in many ways and in many industries. Previously, position a brand it was a matter of having money to bombard the media with advertisements, but in the present context it takes more than a good budget to ensure that consumers are attracted to our brand.

There are several definitions of what a brand, but this is my favorite definition: A brand is the community that is created around a product or company. The logo, slogan, mission, vision, etc. are elements that are part of a brand, but the brand itself is all that set of values ​​and culture that around the company.

Taking the above concept, a few tips to help you build a community around your brand leveraging social networks and the web. If you are a community manager, digital and social media strategist manager, I invite you to implement these tips for best results.

There is a basic principle of effective communication: The right message to the right person, through the most convenient means and at the right time.

Begins with understanding who you are addressing, or who want to address. Meet habits, motivations, habits and desires of your target audience. Everything you can learn about them, will be a great source of information when designing your communication strategies. The message, the medium and the time depends on the person that we want to go.

Always works with goals and objectives. Each strategy and action that you run to help achieve these goals. You might consider objectives such as:

Each brand has its own objectives. Define what you want to achieve and so you can focus your strategies.

Once you set specific objectives and targets, establishing tracking metrics that help you measure the results you’re getting. In the web and social networks you can find various tools that allow you to obtain very accurate statistics about each strategy you put in brand, then take it!

Something that costs a lot to understand is that a company should not be in all social networks. Each company is different and must decide which of the networks and tools are you really going to help you achieve your goals, not about creating accounts everywhere and dedicate ourselves to publish the same on all sides.

Each network is different and as such require different strategies. Defines in which social networks will be your company and what will be your strategies in each of them.

Do not obsess over the number of followers. There are ways (not advisable) to buy followers on social networks, but in the end nothing will serve you display thousands of followers if your publications have little relevance. More important than how many people follow you, is who you follow. If you have 100 followers, but they are all connected with your brand and promote it, perhaps after those 100 have thousands of followers that you can get if you focus on creating value through your posts. Focus on people, know and create value for them.