Visiting a brothel is thrilling, exciting, and it can be a lot of fun. But whether it is your first time visiting a brothel or you are a seasoned veteran, there are certain expectations which individuals are expected to follow. We have put together a quick guide to what is proper etiquette when visiting a brothel, so you know how to behave while there.
Know What You Want
Preparation for a trip to a sydney brothel starts before you even go. When you visit a brothel, make sure that you know what you want. The service providers at these establishments are being paid for their time and for specific sexual acts. They will not accept $200 and do anything you want after you enter a room. You will meet the girls, agree to the terms as to what will happen in the room, pay them, and then you may go into the room with them.
Have Respect for the Service Providers
If there is one thing which service providers and brothel owners do not tolerate are cruel, rude or demeaning clients. A client is expected to treat a service provider almost as if they are their partner. There must be a level of respect for the service provider, and a client is expected to be concerned for their well-being.
You Go First
Proper etiquette requires that the client goes first, and the service provider will follow. If you have ever purchased a home or rented a property through a real estate agent, you will notice that the agents operate in the exact same way. This is because the service provider has no idea who you are. This makes you a risk. By you walking ahead of them, they are able to keep an eye on you and can quickly escape should you prove to be a threat.
Don’t Undress Immediately
When you enter the room, don’t immediately strip off your clothing. Take a few breaths, introduce yourself, and be polite.
With that said, the amount of time that you have paid the service provider is exactly that. Thirty minutes means thirty minutes. This includes the dressing, undressing, kissing, and so on. If you do not manage to enjoy what you had planned with the service provider because you did not have enough time, you will either need to pay for more time (if the service provider has more time to give) or you may walk away disappointed.
There Is Room for Negotiations
If upon entering the room you decide that you would like to change the services the service provider will provide, now is the time to negotiate. Some service providers refuse to negotiate, and that is fine – you will likely be able to meet other girls and see if they are open to what you are requesting. Most will negotiate and, if you agree to those terms, then you can proceed.
Do Not Assume Touching Is Permitted
Many service providers will tell their clients whether or not they allow any touching. Others will send obvious signals, which clients should respect. If a client is unsure if touching is allowed, they must ask.