
5 Easy Ways Your Business Can Help The Community

A sense of community is very important, and this is true in all different types of places. Individuals contribute to that vibe, but businesses can also do their part to help out as well. What are some moves your company can make?

Adjust Costs

If your business is in a low income area or a place stricken with poverty, you may want to consider cutting the costs of some of your products and services. For many businesses, this is not practical in the long term because doing so could force you to shut your doors. However, you may wish to consider offering discounts every Tuesday, for example. This also does not need to be a permanent fixture, offering discounts to veterans for example is a great way to help out.

Sponsor Charity Events

When you have the space in your business to do so, consider hosting charity events. You can sell tickets and hold raffles to bring in funds for a particular cause in the neighborhood. Be sure to let community members know exactly how much of the proceeds are going to the cause; you really should aim for 100 percent to show your dedication to the community. The event could be towards something that is very community specific and targeted to help out something that is affecting the area. It could also help bring the community together by helping a different area in need. Charity events bring people together and is a successful way to reach out to those that need it.

Community Outreach Programs

You may also want to take some hints from Yoel Wazana and start participating in community outreach programs. For example, the employees may take a day to go paint a destroyed building or to clean up a local park. If all of the employees wear t-shirts or buttons while you are participating in the project, you can work to show a true sense of cohesion within your company.

Programs for Youths

In almost every community, some of the youths are dealing with difficulties. Or your business might be located near an orphanage or a home for troubled youths. Consider hosting programs to help these youths. You might have a “carnival day” outside in the parking lot, or you may sponsor educational programs for these children. Whatever the cause is, you can be a major part of it.

Ask for Feedback

When you really want to make an impact on your community, you should garner feedback from the members. They are the best suited to tell you what the community needs. Surveys and feedback forms are excellent ways to collect these answers. This step is particularly important for businesses new to a community. If your company has been in a specific area for awhile, you likely already know what some of the issues are.

As you can see, taking a step forward and helping out the community can be easier than you imagined and there are several options that will work best with the community around you and your means of accomplishing the tasks. Evaluate what would help your community the most and get your name out there.