
Why Brand Identity Is So Much More Than A Logo

Although Innocent smoothies have a great logo, it is their brand identity and values of using natural ingredients and creating healthy drinks that is what sells the products to customers.

Many business owners make the mistake of thinking that all they need to do to develop a good brand is to have a professional logo designed. Whilst your logo plays a significant role in your branding, it is not the be all and end all of your brand identity. Developing a strong brand takes time. It is not a simple one-off task. Your brand identity is not only something you decide on, but something which is shaped by your customers and their perception of your values and ethos too. In this article we will explain the importance of brand identity and why it is so much more than a simple logo.

What is Brand Identity?

A company’s brand identity shapes how people think and feel about them. If you require a simplified explanation, then think of it as your brand’s personality. A strong brand identity will create customer loyalty so it is important that everyone that works for you understands the values of your business and how to represent them.  Brand identity is not all about visual designs, but how a company communicates their beliefs and values to customers.

How to Create a Strong Brand Identity – Differentiating your Company

Before you can develop a strategy for your branding, you need to have a good idea of what your competition is doing. You will need to carry out the appropriate research to make sure that you can differentiate your brand identity from that of your competitors. Your company must have a unique selling point that will make customers want to do business with you and not your competition. Carrying out research will help you to develop a strong brand identity that tells others what you stand for and what they should expect from you.

Defining and Marketing your Values

Once you have carried out the necessary research and found a way to differentiate your brand, you need to come up with an effective brand message. This message is something which should tell your customers who you are and what you stand for. Your branding message should be something that is memorable and meaningful. Not only will it be used on marketing materials, but it will also have an effect on your business goals and how you work to achieve them.

Consistency is the Key to a Strong Brand Identity

When it comes to brand identity, there is nothing worse than mixed messages. A company’s brand identity must be consistent in order for it to be strong. Consistency relates to the way in which language is used by the company, the values it promotes and the tone of the company’s communications, whether they are creating a television advert or interacting with a customer via Twitter.


Although the point of this article is to explain that a brand identity is much more than a logo, we are not saying that logos are not important. Of course logos are important, they are often the first thing customers come into contact with when dealing with a brand. What we are saying is that although logos are important, it is your brand identity that should be at the heart of everything you do and every marketing material you create.

Without a strong brand identity, customers will struggle to relate to a brand and will simply look for a competing business that is able to offer them the personal connection they require. If you need help coming up with a unique brand identity for your company, we highly recommend working with a professional marketing consultant, who will have the experience and knowledge to be able to create the perfect personality for your brand.