
Top Ten Worst Tips For Writing Your CV!

There are a number of tips you should avoid when writing your CV. It is better to simply state the facts. It is important that you make it as easy as possible for the employer to find the information they require from your CV. Recruiting staff is a time consuming process. In order for employers to know if you are suitable, you need to make it as clear as possible that you have the skills, and capabilities to fulfil the position!

Don’t try to lie to get yourself to the interview stage. If you’re asked about your experiences and skills, you may trip yourself up. All the information included in your CV should remain clear, concise, and true. Remember, honesty is the best policy!

1) Lie!

Ever heard “The bigger the lies you put on your CV, the better the job you will get”. This is not true, lying will only get you so far. If you get to the interview stage, you may be asked questions that you may not be able to answer. It is easier to stick to the truth.

2) List all the one-day training courses you have ever been on

You should only include the most important, and relevant training courses that specifically relate to the job role. Any irrelevant information you include means you are just wasting space.

3) Include a photo

Some people think the more attractive you make yourself look, the better the chances. This is not the case. When recruiting for positions such as a promoter, you may be asked for a photo. Do not include one unless it is stated that you should do so. Employers want the best person for the job, it is irrelevant how attractive you are. They want the individual with the skills and ability required, and the person who is more experienced.

4) Use elaborate fonts and colours so your CV stands out

It is important that your CV looks professional. Often, less is more. So keeping it simple and making it easy for the employer to read is the best method.

5) Divulge sensitive information

You should not be including your National Insurance and Passport Number of the front page. This sort of information is not required at this stage, and so it is not needed to be included on your CV.

6) Make your CV gimmicky

The more gimmicky you make your CV using different shapes and pictures, the higher your chance of success will be. This is not true, you should keep your CV simple and concise. Less is more in this case. You should not be including pictures.

7) Make sure that you list as many referees as possible

This is not necessary, generally you will be expected to provide two references. If you feel like you need a bit more space on your CV, then you can write at the bottom of your CV ‘references available upon request’. This shows you are aware that the references should be included at this point. In many cases, the employer will only request references upon the candidate being successful at the interview stage.

8) Always start each sentence in the first person i.e. I, Me and My

It is important that you avoid doing this, just state the facts! Make it easy for the employer to find the key information they are looking for.

9) Change your CV every position you apply for

It is important that you develop and adapt your CV on a regular basis, this does not necessarily mean you need to start a fresh each time. You should include the information relevant to the job and make note of any new experiences or training you have obtained.

10) Try and use as many clichéd terms as possible

For example “I am a highly motivated individual who works well on my own or in a team”. You should stick to the facts about your experiences. You should sell yourself through your academic qualifications and work experience. Qualifications and achievements provide proof to the employer, you may well be a good team player but why are you? How? You may be part of a sports team? If so make it know!

As you can see there are a lot of things to take into account when writing your CV, from the layout and font, to your work experience and qualifications. It is vital that you include all the relevant information including skills and experience, which prove why you are the better candidate for the position. Remember, Sell yourself!

This piece has been written by Jen, the Content Writer at ECertified Learning.