
Features Of The 21st Century Office

Modern businesses are not the same as businesses 50, or even 20 years ago. The 21st century office is fully up-to-date on all technology and offers perks and capabilities that businesses could only dream about in past decades. Take a look at some of the modern conveniences and abilities that 21st century offices have at their disposal and look for ways to implement these practices in your business.

Innovative Practices

Modern companies take innovation to the next level. These innovative practices include using mobile hotspots to allow customers to check out from any sales person in the store, redesigning offices to suit the needs of the modern business, skipping office locations altogether in favor of remote work, and many others. There are so many innovative practices that the modern business can do what workers in the past could only dream of.

Free Work Policies

Today’s employers know that office workers don’t have to be micromanaged. Many offices allow their employees to set their own hours, come in whenever they want, and work from anywhere in the world. This promotes a creative spirit that was undervalued in past decades.

Fun Employee Perks

A lot of modern offices have fun perks for their employees. In one of these offices, you might find a massage station, coffee shop, game room, nap room, comfy chairs, a sports center, or even an exercise room. Employers may also offer on-site childcare and after-school activities for the children of employees.

Innovative Office Designs

The modern office design is open and collaborative. You will find many offices with open designs without walls or spaces between managers and employees. Project collaboration is encouraged between coworkers. Many designs offer an overall open concept, with a few spaces where employees can get away for additional focus. Some companies do not even have an office space at all.

Remote Work

Many modern offices allow employees to work from any location in the world. Remote work is possible with virtual servers and communication systems like VIOP and cloud servers. Employees can connect to the office server from anywhere in the world and start working from any location- whether at home or while traveling the globe.

New Communications Tools

Communication in the modern office is different from what it once was. Simple phone calls, written messages, and even faxes are a thing of the past for many offices. Instead, you will find communication methods like VOIP phone systems, automated systems that provide answers to customer questions automatically, video mail, instant video conferencing, cloud text messaging, and many other communications tools that make it easier than ever to talk to customers, coworkers, and clients.

Cloud-Based Business

More and more offices are moving their business online. Cloud-based systems are not dependant on local electricity sources, and they provide additional back-up in case of emergencies. Cloud-based companies also save money on server storage space, IT staff, and so much more.

Green Practices

Saving the environment is also important for the modern company. Most modern companies make an effort to keep their practices green. This includes using methods like avoiding the use of paper, encouraging employees to use public transportation, and saving money on electricity by encouraging remote office work or eliminating a traditional office altogether.

With these modern practices, the 21st century office is clearly different from the offices of the past. Has your company transitioned to the office of today, or is your company still stuck in the past? Use the tips from this post to help find ways to bring your company and business into the modern business world.