
Proving Distracted Driving Caused A Car Accident

Distracted driving is a dangerous activity that results in thousands of injuries and deaths each year in the United States. While support for the eradication of distracted driving appears to be growing, experts agree that it is still a relatively commonplace activity. In addition to the personal pain and suffering associated with distracted driving, victims can often suffer from the financial damage inflicted on their vehicles or property. Providing that distracted driving caused a car accident may be able to provide some relief and satisfaction to victims of this crime.

Eyewitness Testimony

According to the American Association for Justice, finding a witness who observed the accident—and is willing to swear under oath that it was caused by distracted driving—is one of the best ways to ensure success in this type of legal battle. To be successful, eyewitness often must have been present at the accident site at the time of which it occurred. Eyewitness may be required to testify that they observed participation in distracted driving activity in a court of law. Those who are unable or unwilling to perform this task should not be considered when it comes to pursuing an accusation of distracted driving.

Video Footage

While eyewitness testimony can be useful, some law enforcement officials want actual proof—such as that which is obtained in recorded video footage. Unfortunately, this type of documentation can be difficult to obtain, unless that accident occurred in an area which was already under surveillance. In some cases, police officers who are driving on the road at the same time may be able to provide video footage from their dash cameras. This will likely provide concrete proof about who caused the accident, and may be able to establish the reason behind the crash.

Police Evidence

Other forms of police evidence, such as cell phone records or still pictures, will often go a long way when it comes to establishing causality in a case of distracted driving. Those who are actively pursuing retribution in this type of legal battle may want to consider consulting with police officers in their area. As distracted driving is currently a “hot topic,” some officers may be willing to lend a helping hand when it comes to obtaining evidence. Accident photos, police reports, and other similar information should all be complied before filing charges in a distracted driving case.

Legal Assistance

Finally, knowing when—and how—to seek legal assistance is also important when attempting to prove that distracted driving caused a car accident. Those who are interested in this matter should speak with legal professionals who are experienced in the field of traffic law and its repercussions. Accident victims who have never worked with a lawyer before should ask for references from friends, family members, work colleagues, and even neighborhood contacts. While it can be difficult to find a reputable and experienced lawyer, it is a crucial step in the process of ensure legal retribution in this type of case.

Credits for help go to: Jacob Masters, who has worked in the health industry for over a decade. His goal in life is to increase the internet knowledge base one article at a time. He also likes to push the boundaries through his city wide evening excursions as a guerilla gardener.