
How To Start A Viral Hit That Rivals Movember’s Success

Cups with moustache

Anyone involved in social media and marketing craves viral success, that ability to nab at the heartstrings and general attention of the public all over the world without having to beg, steal, or borrow in order to do so. Few viral hits match the completely wild success of ‘Movember’, and for good reason. Surprisingly, a discussion between a few guys in a bar about men growing out their beards through November in support of male health issues became a viral sensation seemingly overnight. The same technique can be used to create marketing buzz for your own project, so you can have ‘Movember’ success of your own. Find out what made Movember the major success it is today!

Cups with moustache

Movember is entirely Unique

What made Movember so successful was the perfect niche it filled among men wanting to showcase their support of male-related illness. Growing ones’ mustache was both innovative and entirely easy to do. All a man had to do is grow his mustache out for the month of November to show his manly support of a cause he cared about. According to The Marketing Student, what makes Movember such a huge success is that men find it easily relatable as the male equivalent of the pink ribbon and finally gives them a real voice.

Any project that fills a niche and is entirely unique is bound to catch on more quickly than one that has already been done before and is simply being ‘reinvented’ or ‘reintroduced’ to the public. Since Movember filled a void that was obviously needing filled, it was able to resonate with men (and women) all over the globe in ways even the inventors of the concept couldn’t imagine.

Movember is extremely Social and Viral-Friendly

Think about it- how easy is it to upload a picture of your proud growing mustache and show it off to your friends on social media sites like Facebook, Snapchat, and even Twitter? How simple is it to declare your love of Movember by posting daily updates of your ‘stache’ on your blog or even forums dedicated to mens’ health? Movember became such a huge hit because it was super easy to accomplish, simple to record, and a tiny task to update. Men could easily band together online to showcase their hilarious and competitive mustache growth while supporting a serious cause at the same time.

A viral success is one that is easy to implement and isn’t costly for the consumer to get involved in. Bonus points go toward projects that are not only easy to invest in, but fun to get involved in as well. After all, when it comes to social media and viral success, a lot relies upon how ‘interesting’ something is in the first place. Even something as simple as avoiding shaving your mustache for a month can seem like an exciting concept to someone wanting to make a difference in the world.

It’s hard to believe that Movember started out as a simple conversation among a few friends in a pub. The orginal idea behind Movember was to get 30 guys to grow their mustaches out for the month of November to create a small voice for health issues men face every day. Today, Movember is celebrated all over the world via many online social tools, and is a key way for men to declare the support of mens’ health, and millions of men get involved in the cause.

Any project can reach viral success with the right innovation, the right need, and the right approach. Anyone can achieve the popularity Movember has reached in choosing a viral sensation that is attainable, relatable, and definitely needed. Remember, your idea doesn’t have to be monumental, it just has to be different to succeed in the viral world.