
How To Pair Digital Marketing and Direct Mailing To Drive Sales

People sometimes make the mistake of assuming that digital marketing and traditional mailings don’t work together. But nothing could be further from the truth. They are complementary, with direct mailing being the initial piece people often see first, then they may go directly to the phone to call about the service or product they see. Or they may find it on YouTube first and go to the site or call the number. Either way, the two types of marketing worth together to drive traffic and sales to your website. Here are some tips in how you can take advantage of this paradox and make it work for you:

1) Make your Direct Mailing Piece Stand Out

This may be the first thing people see when they encounter your business. So make sure and choose a professional direct mailing campaign that stands out in the crowd. People get a lot of junk mail, but if you have a message that is professional and dynamic, you may still get attention from potential customers. So first, make sure your mailer is attractive, relevant, and to the point.

2) Create a Video for YouTube that will stun them

The average attention span of an adult is estimated to be around 20 minutes at the most. But shorter videos work better. Make a great 5-minute video that stands out with your message with a clickable link back to your website and great key words and meta tags in the description. You Tube has over 500 million visitors per month. You can’t afford to miss out on that big a piece of the pie. So get a You Tube channel and broadcast your message to the masses!

3) Match up Company Logos in All Media

Using multi channel advertising and the new digital media is the way to go. But make sure they know it’s you. Try to coordinate your direct mailing flyers with the logos and images you have in your You Tube videos. This goes to “branding” and helps bring it all together for people that it is YOUR company when they see the video.

4) Feature a Link to the Video on the Direct Mailer

This kind of direct persuasion to have customers go to your media links will increase traffic and sales. People love video, much more than static text. And if you have both in your ad campaigns, you are bound to increase your chances for success.

5) Offer Prizes

People love contests. If you offer some small prize on the direct mailing piece, you will likely get a flood of calls just to find out what they’ve won. Keep the prize details a secret and tell them to go to the You Tube link to find out what they’ve won, or better yet, tell them that the first 100 visitors to the video will get a bonus prize. If you can coordinate the prize idea with your videos and direct mail campaigns, it can greatly increase your traffic and sales.

In conclusion, in this day and age of media and content advertising on the web, it would be easy to forget the main link to much of this: direct mail. Direct mail and direct sales still drive millions of dollars of sales today on the web, and the real world. Most of the time, direct mailings put out strategically, to complement the digital media or website techniques online, are the key to keeping the sales flowing. That being said, sometimes direct mailing alone is enough to net thousands of dollars in new business, if done correctly.

Logan Dremmer is a professional blogger that provides businesses with information on mailing and fulfillment services. He writes for KD Mailing Fulfillment Centers, a direct mail marketing, advertising and fulfillment service company.