
Saving Money In The Heat Wave: How To Heat Your Business This Summer

It isn’t very often that we can say, as a nation, that a heat-wave we have been experiencing is almost not a heat-wave at all, but an actual summer! This past month, we have enjoyed soaring temperatures that have made many feel like they’re in the Costa del Sol rather than the drab country that we’re used to and while the weather has certainly had its advantages (namely, the eradication of pasty white skin and the massive increase in fun), it’s not been as enjoyable for those of us who have still got a job to do. While thousands of shift workers and families have been able to get out and enjoy the weather, others have had to endure long days in the office, with only a window or two to show them what they have been missing out on.

That being said, running a business during the summer months certainly has its benefits. The summer season is a perfect time to analyse your outgoings and see where you can save some cash, particularly when it comes to your business’ energy consumption. It’s amazing how many businesses across the country use energy (gas and electricity) unnecessarily when there’s so many easy ways in which to cut its usage. Not only would you save yourself a pretty penny as a business but you’d also be contributing towards a healthier environment. Being frugal is something that many of us are used to on a daily basis so why that can’t extend to the workplace is anyone’s guess.

The simple answer is a business can be frugal by saving on the amount of energy it uses. The summer months are a perfect time to cut back on your heating bill and there are plenty of ways in which to do it.

Regardless of whether you use gas, electricity or a combination of the two to heat your premises, there are various ways in which you and your employees can be a little proactive and keep energy overheads as low as possible.

During the hot weather, do you really need all the radiators in the office to be on? Unlikely. Even when it’s overcast outside, chances of needing a radiator to be on full blast are next to nothing. You don’t have the radiator on at home during the summer months so why should your workplace be any different? Turn off the radiators unless absolutely necessary. If you have more than one boiler in your business, evaluate whether you need them all to be on when all you need them for is the hot water.

Use time controls so that your heating system is only on during the working day while switching themselves off after staff leave for the night. Ensure the timers take into account weekends, keeping heating off throughout.

If radiators are absolutely necessary, turn the thermostat down a notch. Your staff probably wouldn’t notice the difference and you won’t be seen as Ebenezer Scrooge either.

This piece was written in conjunction with British Gas. Whether you’re thinking about Getting a new business gas supplier or you just want to compare gas prices to find the best deal for your needs, their website will be able to help you.