
Mobile Devices and their Impacts to the Travel Industry

Internet accessibility has given the general public the advantage of accessing their needed websites anytime and anywhere. Mobile applications have also covered for tourism services allowing the immediate and programmed responses for the passengers’ queries. Aside from being able to reply quickly, these travel agencies are also allowing the passengers to book for their flights and be provided with travel information they need.

The Tourism Industry Getting More Mobility

Tourism is maybe one of the premiere industries which have benefitted much from mobile developments. regional tourist organizations are nor producing mobile website to accommodate consumers while others which are not yet in the mainstream are affected by their own financial status. The company’s budget is essential in acquire mobile-oriented tools and software.

In most countries, tourism information has been effectively implemented through SMS services in order to inform potential travelers about promotions, reductions and excursions. In a more modernized sense, an electronic tourism passport has already been created to record the activities done by travelers in terms of food and drink, accommodations and other aspects of the travel. The registered users will receive offers and discounts through mobile applications.

GSP is one feature of mobile devices that allow users to find the specific places that could address their needs. They can be redirected to certain facilities that cover their journey. Aside from that, tourists are further aided in terms of local transport and points of interests.

Social Media Installation on Mobile Devices

The use of mobile devices will not be complete without the installation of social networking sites. Facebook and Twitter for instance, are two most important applications which should be tapped by most tourism agencies. These two earn the most number of users in a day all over the world. Tweets and status updates on these two networking sites definitely allow the tourism industry to let passengers have a view of what awaits them in their destinations.

Moreover, it is worthy to take note that as enhancements are being done with tourism applications, agencies for travel and leisure already took advantage of their chance to promote local destinations via smart phone applications. Visitors are just bound to photograph the barcode and be able to access multimedia content of a website. This is a chance for them to see the interesting features and amenities of a point of interest.

The Rise of Digital Tour Guides

Although human guides are efficient enough for so many years, digital ones are gradually overshadowing the former. The Gironde’s department of Tourist Committee has now begun offering tourists and locals the chance to acquire geo-positioning of all offers in real time. Users are bound to enjoy GPS location services that could guide them to reach their destinations.

In order not to replace human workforces with the rise of digital technology, certain government agencies are now implementing training courses for their staff to learn digital tour guide. One of their most important obligations is to monitor whatever is being raised by tourists over social networking sites.