
The Pros and Cons of Leaving your Home State to go to College

After slogging through thirteen years of school, from kindergarten to senior year of high school, most students cannot wait to graduate.

However, this excitement can easily be tempered by the uncertainty of what to do next. While some young adults know that they want to take a break from school to work, travel, or do something else, and some know exactly where they want to go to school or what they want to do, such as get their online bachelors degree, there are also many recent graduates who are less certain. This is especially true for those who know they want to go to college but are not sure where exactly they should go.

In particular, the decision of whether to stay close to home by going to a college in your home state or moving away to another state is something that often weighs heavily on the mind of a soon-to-be or recent grad. While a person can certainly attend online schools, which allow them to take classes such as online business courses and live anywhere they want whenever they want, many people prefer attending a brick and mortar school. Thus, when deciding whether to leave home or stay nearby for college, many students need to consider both the advantages and drawbacks of leaving home for college.

The Advantages of Leaving Home for College

For many students, nothing is more exciting than getting to leave their home town and get some distance from their parents. In addition to this, students may be motivated by the following advantages to leaving home for college:

The Drawbacks of Leaving Home for College

However, even if you are immeasurably excited to leave your home for school, there are certain drawbacks that could affect you, including:

From these advantages and drawbacks to others, there are many factors to consider when it comes to leaving or staying in your home town for college. Fortunately, this decision can be made easier by the knowledge that you can access classes, such as online business courses, and communities online, giving you connections and opportunities wherever you go.