
The Future is Now: Your Education is No Longer Limited by Location

It’s no secret that an advanced degree can open you up to a wider range of career options. The problem for many people is they’re not in a position to drop everything they’re doing and focus on a full-time college degree program. Although they’d be more than happy to go down that path, they have other obligations that prevent them from doing so.

Whether it’s because of a job, family responsibilities or another factor that simply means a traditional college experience is out of the question, if you’re in a similar situation, you know how frustrating it can feel. Even though you know you deserve a better life than what your current career is offering and you’re completely willing to put in all the work necessary to get where you want to go, not being able to attend traditional college classes can seem like a moat between you and the future you want.

While it’s normal to feel like there isn’t anything you can do to cross that moat, the good news is you do have options. As long as you’re willing to work hard, there are options that can help you get exactly what you need in order to put your career on a new and improved path. The solution that can provide exactly what you need to thrive is an online degree program.

Is an Online Degree Worthwhile?

When someone is told that they should pursue an online degree, they may initially think that it’s not worth their time. The reason that plenty of people think that way at first is because they simply don’t believe that the traditional classroom experience can be replicated online. As a result, they think that even if they get a degree, it’s not going to carry the same weight as one obtained by attending classes in person.

In response to the first point, the traditional classroom experience doesn’t necessarily need to be replicated online. Instead, as discussed in the New York Times, “students are individuals with a wide variety of learning styles.” Because of this, it’s actually possible for online learning environments that integrate multiple styles and strategies to be more effective than traditional classrooms that only focus on lectures.

The other point is that getting an online degree won’t carry as much weight as one that’s obtained online. The reason some people have this concern is because they’re worried about the perceived value of an online degree. While that may have been a problem in the past, as long as you obtain your degree from an accredited program, it shouldn’t be an issue. As the NY Daily News explained, “employers rarely question the quality of online programs.”

How to Get Started

Although it definitely takes discipline to successfully complete an online degree, one of the nice things about this type of education is it does allow you to have balance in your life. Once you get used to your classes, you’ll be able to work on them at the pace that’s best for you. For many students, that means a pace that’s faster than normal. The advantage of taking that approach is it makes it possible to get more done in a shorter period of time.

In addition to thinking about how an online degree is going to fit with your lifestyle, it’s also very important to think about exactly what you want to accomplish. Since there’s no shortage of quality online degrees available, you’re going to want to choose yours based on the career path you’re planning to follow.

For example, if you have military experience, you may be thinking about transferring to a civilian career. If you’re currently in the military, you may also be thinking about advancing your career within the military. With either scenario, homeland security online degree programs like the one offered by Norwich are the perfect fit for where you want to take your career. Over the course of your studies, you’ll gain a wide range of practical skills and theoretical knowledge that you’ll be able to utilize on a daily basis.

In the past, once someone started on a specific career path, they often had to stick with it regardless of whether or not they found it truly fulfilling. But thanks to the availability and value of online degrees, it’s now possible to get the credentials you need to make a change on a schedule that works for you. That reality is why it’s no longer necessary to settle for a career you’re not truly passionate about!

Jamee Smithers is an career counselor that educates students that are looking or pursue career changes and offers guidance as well as aassistance with online degree programs, tuition and financial aid guidance. Her true passion is knowing that she is making a differnce in young peoples lives by giving them the guidance they need to ensure they have a bright future and career ahead of them.