
How Penguin 2.0 Affects your Local SEO

As if the first Penguin algorithm update didn’t cause enough stress in the SEO community, a few months ago Google released another one – Penguin 2.0. If your rankings have still suffered within the past month, you’ve probably got some cleaning left to do on your website. Here are some ways Penguin 2.0 may have affected your search rankings.

Get Your Local Citations In Order

If your business is frequently and naturally linked to from other local websites, you likely survived the Penguin 2.0 update. Your local SEO will fare better if Google recognizes your name, address and phone number associated with your keywords. In other words, if you put effort into your branding and your content is relevant to your audience, your business should pass the Penguin 2.0 test.

Quality Links > Quantity Links

Still link spamming every site you can get away with? If so, you shouldn’t be surprised to find your website crushed by the recent Penguin update. Instead of focusing on putting large amounts of links on other websites, attempt to gain as many natural backlinks as possible. Do this by getting your name out on social platforms and blogging. If your brand is trustworthy and provides valuable information, people will naturally want to link to your website.

Sharing is Caring

Arguably, nothing can help your local business gain more notoriety than social media. When you write a thought-provoking article, share exciting news or run a promotion, share it on your social media profiles. If your audience gets excited about something you post, they’ll share it with their friends. This is an excellent way of getting people to naturally link to your website opposed to spending hours spamming less-than-quality blogs with your quality content.

Research Your Audience’s Needs

If your last blog post or site update was from 2009, chances are your search rankings dropped from the latest update. The key to getting your audience’s attention is to find out what their needs are and create content that caters to them. Keyword research is critical to knowing what your audience needs and how to create relevant content that will draw them in. Also, frequently updating your website or blog with useful content will keep customers and readers interested and coming back.

If your website was hit by Penguin 2.0, don’t think your website is doomed forever. By cleaning up your link profile and improving your website, you can slowly climb back up in the rankings. If you focus on building content that focuses on audience needs and search engine regulations, the next algorithm update should be a breeze.