
What Are Tablet Computers Capable Of?

Well lets begin by running through what a tablet actually is! They are small, thin, lightweight and very reliable little computers. You could say, in a way they are just like a smartphone in the sense you can download applications and listen to your favorite music on them you can also watch movies on them so long as you have a fast Internet connection. 

What Were They Created For? 

Many of them were mass produced around 010 with the arrival of the iPad, competitors felt the need to compete in this new competitive market and started creating their own versions. The companies include Google, Amazon, Samsung and more, though the leader in the market is still Apple! 

They are actually very handy pieces of equipment especially if you run a business and need to check up on your emails and audit documents and presentations. The handy touch screen means you can quickly check up on your new emails from customers or clients from anywhere in the world due to the EE Internet connection, some of them even come with their own little black box you can carry around with you and connect to for Internet connectivity. 

What Can They Do? 

Well, many things! For a start as I said you can check the emails and also audit documents, you can also  listen to your favorite music tracks and even watch movies if you have a fast enough Internet connection, this is great for when you are on long journeys in cars or on trains. 

As Social Media is the in thing now it automatically comes with applications to connect to your favorite social media platform such as Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Tablets also comes with very lightweight version of Microsoft Office so you can open any normal document you can open on the computer. 

I think the best thing and most common thing to do with these great little machines is play the games that you can download, there are literally millions of games you can play! I myself have the new Google Nexus 7 and it has been a godsend to me for when I am out on the road, I don’t even notice how long journeys have taken, it literally feels like I am in the office! 

Backup Of your Music 

Many tablets come with some kind of backup feature that backs up to a cloud service such as iCloud so you can pick up right where you left off with listening, adding, deleting music from your library. 

It will also backup other things such as your calendar, Gmail, Calendar, photos, music, movies and books are always backed up in the cloud. 

Bio: Sophie purchased the Nexus 7 tablet on a monthly contract with Orange in the UK, she has never looked back since, though the Nexus updates her stuff and synchronizes it to the cloud he also uses a separate storage facility at Citrix ShareFile for storing her important information such as documents.