
How to Get More Memory on Your Computer

Ever wondered why your computer is running so slow? It could be that you are running out of memory. As your computer stores a lot, it starts to struggle to do more. Eventually, you will find that you can’t use your computer as much as you could when you first bought it. The good news is that this is something that you can fix.

1.      Get Rid of the Files You No Longer Need: Take a look at all the files you have stored on your computer and question yourself if you really need them. You will likely have many on there that are from high school, college or even previous work places. Do you really need to keep them all? Will you ever use them again – realistically? 

This is similar to hoarding in the home. You keep something, thinking that you need it but will never really find a use for it. Delete anything that you know that you no longer need to store on your computer.

2.      Move the Other Files and Photos: You may have things that you need in the future. This could be work that you will be coming back to in a few months time, photos of your family that you want to keep or even videos that you have created for a personal project. You don’t need to keep these on your computer though! 

Videos and photos take up the most space on devices so you need to move them to clear space in your memory. Invest in external hard drives, which often offer the same amount of space as a computer for a reasonable price. It may be worth having various external hard drives for your different projects, if you use the computer enough for that.

3.      Store Things on the Cloud: There is a lot of benefit to the advances in technology. If you need something on a regular basis but it is taking too much space on your computer, store it on the Cloud. There are various plans and companies available, some offering free plans for a small amount of memory. 

Cloud storage offers the ability to gain access as soon as you need to, as long as you have an internet connection. You can work anywhere in the world or on any computer that you like. There is no need to carry hard drives around with you or worry about losing memory cards.

4.      Upgrade Your Memory: When all else fails, you could look into increasing the amount of memory your current device has. There are many computer technicians able to do this – if you have knowledge, you could even do it yourself! You can expand your memory to the amount that you will need. However, this is only temporary if you refuse to get rid of the files that you no longer need!

When it comes to computer memory, you need to manage it. You can easily use up a terabyte of memory if you store videos, music and photos on your PC. Take your time to move files around and invest in more memory if you really need to.

Author bio: 

This guest post was written by Paul Howard, a computer technician. He has seen many people struggle with their memory capabilities on a PC. He recommends reading for more computer tips.