
Bad Logo Tactics: Design Mistakes to Avoid (and Good Rules to Follow)

Your logo is the face of your business. It’s what many people instantly recall when thinking of your company. A good logo is critical to your PR, marketing and marketplace visibility, especially when building a new business or brand. But how do you achieve an effective, memorable logo design and how can you avoid creating a weak one?

Clues you have a Bad Logo

A few things can quickly tip you off that your logo isn’t what it should be. Here are some design pitfalls to avoid:

A good Logo isn’t as far away as you think

Knowing what to avoid is only half the battle of creating a strong logo. Leave the rest in the hands of a graphic designer who has a demonstrated portfolio of successful logos. One that’s effective will embody a series of different qualities:

When a logo includes these characteristics, it has the greatest chance of being memorable and appealing. Even if you’re on a startup budget, make the smart investment of hiring a graphic designer for your logo design. You’ll be using this simple image to build your brand, so starting with a quality logo is well worth your time and money.