
Small Business and Email Marketing: Centralizing Your Message

It’s early in the morning and you are about to start your day, but have to check your emails first. Over the years, this has become a dreaded task for many because nine times out of ten their inbox is flooded with emails from companies trying to make an impression. Don’t allow your email marketing campaign to be just another bunch of junk mail filling up your consumers’ inbox. The last thing you want to do is to overload a person’s inbox. This could lead to them permanently blocking your emails and unsubscribing to your webpage.

This is an example of a highly ineffective email campaign. So let’s take a look at a few tips which will help turn your marketing strategy into an effective one using email campaigning.

Talk to the Customer

Do not make your email look like it is a blanket email sent to everyone on the list. Even through in reality it is, you do not want it to appear that way. Speak personally to the customer so they feel like you geared the content specifically toward them. Focus your emails toward the needs and wants of your customers and make them feel connected with you. Very few people open their emails from companies, but when they do, they want to read messages in a a language that is relatable.
Top of mind

Approximately 30 percent of recipients actually open up the emails they receive. This does not mean your email campaign has been ineffective. Even though a consumer may delete an email from you, they still see your company’s name. You are now fresh in their mind again.

From Line

The first two things email recipients see when receiving an email is the “from” and “subject” lines. Make both of these memorable. When sending out an email, make sure that your company’s name is clear in the email address. Different email providers display this differently. Some show just the email address, some just your name (or company name) and others show both. Make sure each of these clearly show who the email is coming from.

Subject Line

Just like the “from” line, the “subject” line of an email must be clear and attention-grabbing. A good “subject” line will tell the reader everything they need to know about your email in just a few words. For example, the email’s subject can be something like “24 hours only: 50% off all shoes” or “Today only: BOGO Tops.” Be creative and offer what your customers want. That will get them to open up the email and read on.

Track It

Keep track of the number of emails you send out and the number of responses you receive in return. Keep a list of those who purchased from you because they received an email, those who have asked you questions about the email or those who have referred others because of the email. Simply ask everyone “How did you hear about this special?” You can also set up your email system to calculate the open rate, which tells you the percentage of emails that have been opened.

Starting an email marketing campaign for your small business can be an exciting new marketing adventure. However, be careful to not overdo it. You want your customers to remember you without the fear of opening their inbox.