
Switching to Solar: Strategies for a Greener Business



The increasing reliability of alternative energy provision has opened up a range of options for businesses in recent years, many of which can be just as reliable as traditional petrochemical sources. Solar power leads the pack amongst these greener alternatives, with advances in technology putting it leaps and bounds ahead of wind and wave power in terms of efficiency. And while you may not realise it, switching out your company’s grid connection for a solar panel one can not only help the environment, but could also save you money while bringing in positive press and the increased goodwill of customers.


Firstly, and most importantly, let’s talk money. Although investing in solar panels for your business may require an initial up-front investment, this will more than likely be offset very quickly by  reduced operating costs. By lessening your dependency on fossil fuels, you could stand to save a great deal on your company’s monthly utility bills. As an added incentive for early adoption, these saving will only increase year on year as the price of oil continues to rise. Previously existing concerns surrounding the cost and maintenance of solar panels can now also be disregarded.  A hugely diverse industry has grown up around the provision of solar energy. A variety of commercial options exist in the field, with companies willing to consult on a variety of solutions tailored to your particular needs, and more often than not, companies will be happy to provide ongoing upkeep services.


In addition to savings on your overheads, adopting solar energy could net you a substantial saving on your company’s tax bill. Some jurisdictions, recognising the growing need for renewable energy conversion, have instituted generous subsidies for those businesses willing to take the plunge. Tax incentives are available in countries across the world, including the UK and the US; in some cases, there are incentives at the state level in the US. Most companies will be more than willing to advise on available subsidies and incentives, but a full list for the US can be found here.


Beyond this, converting to solar power can have a potentially huge positive effect on your brand identity. Consumers are becoming increasingly environmentally conscious, and making this kind of public commitment to renewable energy can do wonders for your public image. Even catching sight of a solar panel on the roof of your office may make them view your company and its products more favourably. Adopting solar power can also be the first step for a company in creating a positive internal culture geared towards stability, and if embraced wholeheartedly, can potentially lead to savings in areas other than the energy bill. Your marketing department will love you, your accountant will love you, and your customers will as well!