
What Not to Do When Making a Personal Injury Claim

When it comes to personal injury cases, the injured party who has filed a personal injury claim against the insurance company must be able to prove that he or she has sustained an injury or injuries and damages as a direct consequence of an accident. Insurance companies are very savvy and often conduct investigations. That is why it is so important for plaintiffs or claimants to be honest and never lie about their injuries. Should an insurance company later determine that a plaintiff or claimant was falsifying information or lying about the extent of their injuries, the plaintiff or claimant may not be able to recover. In addition, in some cases plaintiffs who lie will be charged with a crime and may be required to pay the insurance company back for every dollar received in connection with their claim.

Fraudulent Personal Injury Lawsuits and Schemes

At the end of the day, the court makes the final decision when it comes to deciding whether a case will proceed in court or not. To get out of the case, many insurance companies hire an investigator to uncover information and evidence that can be used to prove that the plaintiff has filed a fraudulent claim. Judges welcome this information because courts are always on the lookout for fraudulent personal injury cases or schemes.

Insurance Companies Use Investigators to Uncover Fraud

To find out if a plaintiff (insured) has filed a fraudulent claim, insurance companies often hire investigators to follow them to recover evidence. They do this because they hope to get video and photographic evidence that confirms the plaintiff is not as injured as he or she claims she is. By securing video and photographs evidence that confirms the plaintiff is not as injured as he or she claims, many insurance companies have been able to avoid paying a personal injury claim and have an entire lawsuit thrown out in court.

In other instances, the insurance company employs investigators with the goal of uncovering an underlying fraudulent personal injury claim or scheme that has been going on for a long period of time. When it comes to saving money on personal injury claims, insurance companies are known to hire investigators to investigate personal injury claims to determine if the plaintiff is truly injured or not.

The Drawbacks of Filing Fraudulent Claims and Lawsuits

Most plaintiffs who file fraudulent personal injury claims and lawsuits do not think about the drawbacks until it is too late. Individuals who file fraudulent claims against insurance companies and lawsuits can be charged with various crimes, lose their driver’s license, insurance and may be subject to other unforeseeable consequences. In addition, plaintiffs and claimants can wind up having to repay the insurance company for every dollar collected in connection with their fraudulent claim or lawsuit. To recoup its losses, insurance companies can go as far as garnishing the insured’s wages or file a lien against the person.

Before filing a filing a fraudulent personal injury claim with an insurance company or initiating a lawsuit in Court, plaintiffs and claimants should consider all of the ramifications. The consequences are severe, so it pays to make sure that you understand the risks.

Author: This article was written by Michelle Lee on behalf of David Marocchi of Paramount Lawyers.