
Online Communication and How to Reach Your Customers

Reaching customers has never been easier, which makes it even harder. There are so many ways to reach out that customers can easily ignore everything they see. The ongoing stream of advertisements reduce the number of marketing exposures given the line of ads are ongoing. Below are some direct ways to reach your customers. Very few of them will be 100% effective alone, therefore utilize a pulse technique and layer the exposures using all three at different points in your online marketing campaign.

Email Marketing

Back in the day this was considered pure spam. Today, however, effective email marketing campaigns are driven through comprehensive software which fully integrates millions of emails using wide-ranging levels of sophistication based on the client and customer. The primary difference between “spam” and real content is that the receiver has asked to be contacted. All recipients expect to receive a message because they have opted in. Being able to contact your customers directly works because you can personalize the message and with offers that your customers consider more important than others.


Pay Per Click is basically the advertisers paying a website owner whenever one of its users click on an ad on their site. The marketing benefit is the ad can be placed on sites which focus or reference the company’s target market while building positive perception through content association. If a person is reading a blog, the purpose for reading and the trust which automatically exists can transition to whatever ad is placed on the site itself. The benefit is obvious, but also a gamble.


This is one of the last stages in marketing and can only be achieved when the customer has responded to your marketing message. This can be translated as either POS or a phone call, but is a direct chance given to you by your customer who will base his or her experience on actually using the products in question. This use of the product will either confirm or deny their initial expectation based on the perception generated through your other marketing campaigns.

The blending of these methods in online communications is essential if you are going to reach your customer through the mires of online advertising. Only separate levels of exposure can ensure that recognition occurs, and that your customer will give your product a shot. Pulsing your advertising will produce a good blend with multiple exposures. The customer will see your products and services intermittently, so it’s a good idea to use as many different methods as possible in your marketing mix. Everyone has the tools at their fingertips; the difference between a success and failure is using the right combination of the tools as opposed to the wrong one.